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Blog: Buttercup 2.0: Dating As You Wish

Writer's picture: Kerstin Rao - Curate Your MateKerstin Rao - Curate Your Mate

If you picture Wallace Shawn every time you hear the word, ‘Inconceivable!’ or you melt at the phrase ‘As You Wish’ then you, like me, are a fan of the 1987 film ‘The Princess Bride.’

Fun fact: for our wedding, my husband and I re-enacted the film with my improv comedy team, complete with costumes, props, and sound effects.

It should come as no surprise, then, that when I was invited to give a recent talk on the theme of Love for a Pechakucha event in Bridgeport, Connecticut, I used The Princess Bride as my theme.

What is Pechakucha? (pronounded pet-CHA-koo-CHA) It’s a clever format for giving focused, creative talks that began in Japan. Speakers prepare exactly 20 slides and can speak for exactly 20 seconds for each slide. The slides move along automatically - no delays - so these talks are focused and fascinating!

To serve my audience, I thought about my dating journey in my 40s and what advice I could share in a fun way - with loads of Princess Bride references.

Plus, I challenged myself to do all the illustrations! I hope you enjoy this less-than-7-minutes talk!



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